Guardian Preservation & Restoration Services, Inc.

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This page was designed for our customers, concerned individuals, and anyone needing help with mold, it's effects, and any questions that may come to mind when discussing mold....

Below is some frequently asked questions regarding mold.  If you have a question not listed, please feel free to contact us via our Contact Us Page.  We will do our best to answer your question.

What is mold?  Molds are microscopic organisms that live on plant or animal matter. They aid in the break down of dead material and recycle nutrients in the environment. Present virtually everywhere, they can be found growing on organic material such as soil, foods, and plant matter. In order to reproduce, molds produce spores, which spread through air, water, or by insects. These spores act like seeds and can form new mold growth if the conditions are right.

What is "black mold" and is it dangerous?  Stachybotrys is commonly referred to as the "black mold." The most infamous species, S. chartarum (also known as S. atra) and S. chlorohalonata are known as "black mold" or "toxic black mold" in the U.S. and are frequently associated with poor indoor air quality that arises after fungal growth on water-damaged building materials.  As far as being dangerous, it has been linked to many different possible health issues.  Symptoms can manifest as chronic fatigue or headaches, fever, irritation to the eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat, sneezing, rashes, and chronic coughing. In severe cases of exposure or cases exacerbated by allergic reaction, symptoms can be extreme including nausea, vomiting, and bleeding in the lungs and nose.

My spouse is affected by "mold" but I am not.  How is that possible?  The easiest way to help explain this "problem" is by simply thinking about the last time you went to the doctor for a broken bone.

If you and your spouse both broke your bone, the doctor would prescribe a pain medication for both of you.  He/She would probably prescribe the same pain medication in the same dosage.  One of you is still in pain, the other is on the couch asleep like a baby.  Why? 

Each person reacts differently based on their body chemisty and immune system.  No different with mold.

You and your spouse are living in the same environment, breathing the same mold, etc. but yet your bodies and immune system will act differently.

Can I simply clean up visible mold with Bleach?  We do not recommend it.  Taken right off the Clorox website: "Wipe down bathtubs, shower doors, tile and floors with a product approved to kill mold. A daily dose of it will keep mildew (visible mold) growth in check. Use a solution of Clorox® Concentrated Regular-Bleach to kill mold and remove mildew.

Why in one breathe is Clorox recommending you wipe down everything with a product approved to kill mold and in the next breathe telling you it will kill mold?  If it killed mold, why not wipe everything down with it?

Either way, killing mold or not, it does not take care of the air you are breathing which may still be laced with harmful mold.

If I remove all visible mold and damaged building materials, won't my mold problem be taken care of?  No.  As seen above, by definition of mold, mold releases spores into the air.  Those spores are NOT visible to the naked eye and everytime you turn on your HVAC system, those spores are traveling throughout your home.  Just removing visible mold will not take care of this issue and a certified mold specialist should be consulted.

Is "black mold" the only dangerous mold?  No.  Mold comes in many colors and molds act differently; cause different reactions; and need to be handled correctly.

Have another question?  Just ask us.  We will do our best to answer it.